Thursday, 7 August 2014

Tapestry 4

I have finally finished the 8 tapestries relating to the Christmas Table Cloth.  I used the same process throughout.  I wove a small 10cm X 10cm using images and letters from the cloth.

I then played with this image in Photoshop to come up with a background I liked.

 Then I collaged a Christmas symbol and other bits to complete the design.

It looks a bit dull as I scanned it.  In this cartoon I added the Christmas stocking, made a line from the white weaving and completed the C.  Then I wove.

  (I have inadvertantly inserted a jump break, I must find out what they are for.)

Finished.  I have enjoyed weaving these tapestries.  My sister said they looked like I had somehow cut them up and rewove them; they are meant to look like that.

Now for a larger tapestry.

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