Saturday, 29 December 2012

Granny's Rocker

It is about 6 weeks since I have posted anything owing to the fact that we have moved house. The move went smoothly and the only thing missing is my pot of saffron bulbs.  I went to great trouble to pot up about 20 large bulbs and I think the moving people must have thought it was a pot of dirt and left it behind.  It was several weeks before I realised it which was a tad too late.  We have unpacked about 80 boxes and still have about 20 to go when the new wardrobes arrive at the end of Jan.  One thing I have unpacked is my great grandmother's rocking chair which took about 40 years to get; a long story.  However, having finally got it, my other half  fixed and stained the wood and I was left  to sort out covering.  I have a roll of antique cotton velour which I dyed in different strengths of dye and asked Mary who does lovely quilting to make a piece of crazy patchwork for the seat and back.

I love the result.  As for my weaving I have clocked up 201 hours and am getting there. I have been doing 6 hour stints and hope to get it finished this month.


Mary said...

Hi Glennis, congratulations on your dedication - 201 hours is amazing, considering the move, Christmas, summer holidays, New Year looming. Well done. I hope the chair continues to give you pleasure.

Glennis said...

Hi Mary
Thank you for your comment. In the list of happenings you left out selling the house and sorting, which took ages. I am trying to do 6 hours of weaving per day, but it is slow progress. I hope you are pleased with the chair too.

Misha said...

Hard work, eh? Say not the struggle nought availeth - and to both of you a healthy and productive new year!


Glennis said...

Happy New Year to you Misha and Sandra; love your quirky use of language. Hope my hard work is worth it; I am due to start work in 13 minutes.