Saturday, 10 November 2012

Roses and Visitors

I suppose because I won't have access to this view much longer I should enjoy it while I can.  The roses are lovely this year and the red lilies and nasturtiums in the back ground provide a nice contrast.  Needless to say I have done no weaving; the sorting and packing for a garage sale precluded that. 

One of the things I find facinating about having a blog is the number of visitors and how they find it. It is exciting to have people from all over the world look at my musings; but I was really excited the other day to discover I had a visitor from Hanoi, a city I love and would like to spend an extended time in. One day.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hi Glennis, you may not have that view for much longer but you will have a new one - and the chance to start improving it if you want to. I hope the weaving gets back on track in the not-too-distant-future.