Thursday, 28 June 2012

Petites: Some of the Pieces

As I said in my last post, there were 12 or so pieces from ex RMIT tutors and students.
I am posting work from some of those I was able to photograph. The  photograph of one of my friend's pieces was terrible, both of them, but you can see her tapestry at her blog  marymac. in June, under the heading Recording my progress - to music.

Julie, sorry about the flash; her weaving including seaweed.
Mine has been  shown.  I have a few more but as I haven't asked permisssion, I had better not show them.



Mary said...

Lovely Glennis, thanks for the link to my blog too. How is the new tapestry going?

Glennis said...

Hi Mary
As for my tapestry. The loom is warped up, the leashes are in and part of the cartoon is inked on. I plan to do some colour sampling tomorrow, perhaps Tuesday.