Friday, 23 March 2012

Tim's Tapestry

 I have been doing Tim's tapestry at odd times and am up to here.

Getting there.  I have taken photos at various stages and put them into a slide show  for Tim and I tried to ulpoad them on here; however to no avail.  They uploaded but it looked like a puzzle to solve as they were not in order. So far I have spent nearly 70 hours on this tapestry which will measure 37 cm by 27 cm.


Mary said...

Looking good!!! You have done a fabulous job so far, I really like the lovely even slits. I hope he appreciates the amount of work, as I am sure he will.
How are the assignments going?

Michelle said...

Wow, your weaving is so neat! What epi are you using?

Glennis said...

Hi Mary
Thanks for the comments. I took the slide show to show Tim and he was suitably impressed. The assignments stopped for a while but now that I am home, it will be frantic for a while.

Glennis said...

Hi Michelle
Thanks for your comment. I used 9 Seine twine and 3.5 warps per cm. or 14 warps per 4 cm whatever that translates to i inches. Hope that your 1st assignment went well, I have been away for the last 4 weeks and have to start ass.2 tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

Yep, that's about the same epi as I used - I've just started the sampler for Assignment 2, and am trying out the 12/12 twine at 12 warps per 4cm - I'm finding it more challenging to use a coarser weave! I think I may have to go back to the 9 twine for the large assignment ;)

Misha said...

this is looking really great, Glennis.

Is your wonderful trip north going to result in some Kimberley interpretations?

Glennis said...

Hi Misha
Thanks for the comments, they are very encouraging. It was nice to actually see the Desert Roses I am weaving in the flesh so to speak. I intend to use my Kimberely trip photos in a design that we have to do in 3rd year to weave a large tapestry. The Kimberely's is an amazing place.

tim said...

looks good mum