Saturday, 17 March 2012

Finished my first assignment.

Bobbins used for weaving the Picasso image

I have finally finished the first assignment which I found very challenging, but enjoyable.  I  also finished Miro and the sewing of the lines across the image took ages and was more difficult than I imagined. Here they are, hopefully.    As you can see I wove the Picasso separately because I thought the hatching would work better vertically.
I have managed to download both which is an improvement on my last attempt at adding photos. However I now need to work out how to make them level. I have done it but it was accidental

During the past week I have been to see a couple of exhibitions before they close. I went the Sensorial Loop at Storey Hall and after that I went to see the Analog Digital  at the First Site gallery downstairs at RMIT.
Both were worth the visit but the Analog... had more fashion than in other years.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.


Mary said...

Hi Glennis, I love all those greys to black. The work looks really successful. I hope you are happy with it.
How big is the weaving? It doesn't look all that big which makes me think it would have been hard to do.
Congratulations. Now I suppose you have to move straight on to the next assignment. No rest for the wicked (as they say).

Glennis said...

Oh to be wicked, I,ve forgotten how!!
Thanks for your nice comments. Picasso is 8cm wide and about 18cm long. The most difficult one was the Leti design (the red one). The sewing on Miro took ages as it was difficult to mark the lines accurately.

Mary said...

Are the others 18cm wide? Do they all have to be the same proportions or are you allowed some leeway?

Michelle said...

Glennis, you've done an awesome job - I'm just about to post a pic of mine ;)

You're right, the hatching on the Picasso looks *much* better woven sideways ;)

Glennis said...

Hi Mary
If you look at the blog More Tapestries you will see that they were all on the same A4 sheet but Idecidied to do the Picasso separate. The others are about the same width. Seeing as it was left to out interpretation, I did iy "my way".

Glennis said...

Hi Michelle
You too have done an awesome job of a difficult exercise, well done. I found the sewing on difficult and decided to use an embroidery marking pen to mark the lines which helped. Its helpful that it sponges off.

Misha said...

that vertical monotone picasso - very effective.

as we all move into our next assignments - cheers!

Michelle said...

That *is* a good idea! Will have to buy an embroidery pen, since I just did it by eye ;)

Mary said...

Just a warning about embroidery pens (ask me how I know!), don't leave the marked fabric in sunlight or heat it - as in iron it. You could be left with a permanent mark.

Glennis said...

Don't worry, all the marks came off.
What happened to you, dare I ask.