Wednesday, 17 October 2012


Today I am having a day free of house issues, workshops, tapestry weaving and assignments and just  fiddling around - mainly catching up on my life; which is nice.  The last 2 days I attended a workshop at Open Drawer on Patterning - historical traditions and innovative variations given by Ruth Hadlow which I have found very demanding but very useful.  There were only six in the class and the workshop focused on experimentation and a subjective  open - ended approach and exploration of patterning; e.g. we drew with scissors which is very freeing.  At the end of the two days, I have come away with a subject matter to research which I can use in designing tapestries. However there is much research to do and in areas that I have never dreamt of.
In discussing my response to one of the exercises we had to do, Ruth questioned (she asks more questions than I do) why a particular thing worked and it was because of an, unintentional on my part, flick of colour on a white page with black writing.  Which reminded me of a suggestion made to me about the fish shape in my tapestry. 

It was suggested to me that the fish looked blocky and  lacked reference to the surrrounding area and I should add some yellow to heighten interest and enliven the shape. 

I know the 2nd picture is a little lighter, but I think it works.


Mary said...

Hi Glennis, busy lady. Yes, it does work (not that it wouldn't have been great anyway, now it is 'greater'!) and you have done quite a bit more, well done. The second picture shows more detail in the surrounding areas, much more interesting.
I hope you enjoy some more time to yourself this weekend too. The course sounds good, will you be using the ideas in next year's course?

Glennis said...

Hi Mary
I am glad you think the yellow/red stitches work too. I have done a bit more weaving but it is slow work; next time I will design something simple with clear, not blended colours; much quicker. I got 2 years full time research/design/ re-design/sample/weave from that course and I do plan to use them;maybe next year!!!!!!!!!